I'm Alive!

The camp out = Totally awesome!

What I did at the camp out: When I first got there I helped to set up one of the tents. Then we went and I learned how to make two kinds of fires without matches, and how to put fires out. I learned how to cook with a dutch oven, and how to make biscuits in an aluminum box!

I gave up smores for dutch oven peach cobbler!!!!! I don't regret it because it was extremely good, but I live for smores and I didn't even make one!!!! *sigh*

For the first time ever I almost pulled an all nighter! I fell asleep about two hours before we had to wake up to go, and even then I was the first one awake and ready to hike. (I was awake because I had to go to the restroom, again...)

While sitting around the campfire I told stories about using a Port-A-Pot at an Indian Festival.....*shudder* I don't recommend the experience.

I ran to the Port-A Potty a couple dozen times throughout the night/morning. As I was running (for the fifth or so time) I didn't see the support string sticking out at least three feet away from another tent, I crashed into so hard that I was sent flying back in shock. I could hardly hold it in so I quickly got up on my feet and asked,"Was that a booby trap, or what? *saying back and forth* I mean Sorry, I'm so sorry....." *running away as fast as I can* Then I had to pee in the dark because the girl with the flashlight couldn't catch up in enough time. That's when I found out that it was super warm in the Port-A Potty so I spent a little more time then necessary in that tight little space; just trying to warm myself before having to go back into the cold and hold the flashlight for the other girl.........

*To wrap this all up I had an amazing time, I got to know some of the girls that I don't know so well, and I learned a lot of new things!*


  1. "I found out that it was super warm in the Port-A-Potty so I spent a little more time than necessary in that tight little space; just trying to warm myself before having to go back into the cold and hold the flashlight for the other girl..."

    That's a crack up! I try to pee and get out of those stinkin' Port-A-Potty things as fast as I possibly can! :D

  2. It wasn't that bad. It was actaully one of the nicest Pot-A-Potty's that I've ever had the pleasure of using!

  3. I loved our camps. We called our port-o-pottys "BIFFY"s because it stood for Bathroom In Forest For You :)
    I LOVE cobbler, and although I love smores, too, cobbler is so great when you're camping...mmm...I want some right now :)

  4. haha. when i read that you gave up smores for cobbler, i thort you had written, "i gave up SNORES for cobbler"!! haha. i would've given up snores, too.

  5. glad you had a great time though! :)

  6. teehee,
    That made me crack up!
    Great blog!

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