My Palms Hurt Again As I Write About All The Injuries That Sustained While Rollerblading!!!!

About three weeks ago my mom took my siblings and I to Two Dollar Tuesday at our local Roller Rink. I'm total klutz, so I spent most of my time falling and getting up off the floor before I could get hit. I fell in a lot of ways, and I don't really want to mention them all.......But I will tell you a few:

It was about my fourth time around, and I was still scared to death to get away from the wall! I had to though because a couple boys were talking to there mom's so I went a little way and then I fell, as I was falling I tried to make it as painless as possible but somehow I managed to land in the splits. The boys watched me as I landed, and then at the same time they went," Oooo. That has got to hurt!!!" Since I do splits in Kung-Fu it didn't hurt that bad, and because all the other places I'd fallen hurt worse falling in the splits was the best!

My mom is pretty good at rollerblading but for some odd reason she asked me to be her partner in the Couples Skate!!!! (You had to hold hands with somebody) I told her "No, way." but she took my hand anyway. I held her hand tight for fear of falling and getting stepped on by the really fast teenagers behind us, and I kept telling her "Please, let me go, I'm not ready for this. Please, I'm going to pull you down, and you're going to be mad at me!! Please, mom, please." And then I fell, my poor mom fell with me. We didn't get hit or anything but I felt bad, because my mom had a perfect falling record and I ruined it for her. It wasn't like I didn't warn her though! (I fell on my butt that time)

One of the times I fell, I was with Caterpillar and we both fell! A boy came up to me and said," Can I help you up?" I was embarrassed because he really wanted to help, but he didn't look strong enough to pull me up so I blushed and said,"Uh, thanks I got it." And I got up as fast as I could. (By that time I'd mastered getting up. I also had bruises on both palms, but, up and down my legs, and my knees but whatever it takes to get better. Right?) The boy nodded and he smiled at me and then skated away. (Caterpillar was alright)

I had a ton of fun. But I'm positive that I'm never ever going to be able to this.........

*I think I should stick with solid ground, no jumps for me thank you very much........


  1. I can't roller skate for the life of me. I am laaaame.

  2. so when do we get to hear about your first dance? ;)

  3. I am lame-o in the ways of the roller blading or ice skating or anything like that!

    When I was 19 some guy talked me into going skating around the campus of Arizona State University. It was going okay until he talked me into going down a curving ramp. As I went faster and faster and lost control, I freaked out and decided to crash myself into a wall to help me stop. Too bad that wall was made out of lots of tiny sharp stones! I hit it mostly with my hands, and it shredded them. They were bleeding all over...and I was supposed to go to work the next day and do hair! ACK!

    I never went out with that stinkin' boy again, and I've never attempted skating again either!


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