Eeeeekkkkk! It's Here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mockingjay!!!!! The book is finally here!!!!!!! I'm so excited to read it!!!!!!!! Eek! I might not be Blogging for the next few days! (I'm off to fight my mom and Stef so I can read it first!!!)


  1. I just finished it first thing this morning! I'm pretty much sleep deprived and it's sooo worth it! :)

  2. Well, it's been a week - WHAT DID YOU THINK OF IT?

  3. HEYYY! I'm in like the middle of Catching Fire! For a non reader, I'm liking this bookkkk...

  4. Nancy Face: I was kind of sad at the end. I can't believe they did that to poor Peeta! <3 I LOVE him!! The end was disapointing to me!

    Annie: Hahahaha!!!! :)


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