Interview with my Great Grandma Dee!

 This is the video interview with my Great Grandma Dee:

Questions For My Interview with Grandma:
What year were you born? "1931"
Where did you live when you were little?
"I was born in South Bend In where I lived until I was 5 years old then I moved with my Grandparents to Kewanna, In. where I lived until I graduated from high school at age 17."
What was your life like growing up
"Kewanna was a very small town and we played outside games such as hide and seek,
tag, roller skating. My grandparents were very active in church so I did many things
that church related ."
What did your parents do for a living?
"My father had a car agency and my mother worked in a garment factory for some time. But since I spent most of my time with my grandparents my Grandfather was a mail carrier and my Grandmother was an old fashioned housewife."
What was something you loved doing when you were a child?
"I love riding bike that my father bought for me when I was 10."
Did any of your relatives serve in the military (If so, who and for how long)?
"My father – navy 3 years
My stepfather – army 4 years
My husband Jim – army 2 years
My son Tim – army 20 years
My grandson Matt – air force 11 years
My grandson Brian – air force 10 years"
How many siblings do you have
What was your favorite television shows growing up/(or radio)?
"I didn’t have a radio – my grandparents had one but listened to things that didn’t
Interest me."
What were some of your family traditions growing up?
"We always had a visit from Santa Claus on Christmas eve. Always went to
Church both Sun. morning and evening and prayer service on Weds."
What types of chores did you to do?
I helped my grandmother with preparing food and washing dishes, make bed
What schools did you go to?
"I went to Kewana Schools for 12 years."
What did you do for your job when you were young?
"When I was 14 I worked in 5 & amp; 10 cent store – I gave lesson on how to twirl
A baton – also I baby sat."
When did you get married (how old)?
Dad says that you are a member of DAR, could you please tell me about that?
"I never joined but am eligible my (4) great he was a grandfather to Lydia (Antrim) Wilson
Born 2/24/1823 she was the mother of my Great Grandfather William Wilson who was the
Father of my grandmother who raised me (Orpha Jane Wilson Worl. Another of Lydia’s
Sons fought in Cival War and was captured and died in Andersonville prison in 1865"
What kinds of family traditions did you carry on to your own family?
"Being with family and friends on important holidays."
When did you move to Texas and why?
We moved in Jan. 1990 -
"We both retired and wanted to be closer to your Grandmother"
What kinds of jobs did you have throughout your life?
"I had a job as a store clerk for a year after high school
When I moved I had several clerical jobs but stayed home to take care of kids
When I went to work after kids were in school I worked for Miles which was then
Bought by Bayer;. I always worked in the computer department (28 years) and
Held many positions starting as a keypuncher – programmer – manager in data Center and last job was Manager of Computer Security for US and Canada." 
Crazy Faces! It must run in the family!

*This interview was very special to me. I never knew half of the things that I learned about my Grandmother. I'm very grateful that I have been blessed with opportunity to learn about her life and all things she has done in her almost 80 years of life! It is amazing to learn more ab
out the people you love while you have the chance. I will now be able to share all of this with my own children one day, and they will be able to know all about their Great-Great-Grandma Dee!

*Thank you so much Grandma Dee for helping with this! I love you!)

Thank you Grandma Dee!


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