Attitude of Gratitude

A while ago I decided to become more self aware. I kept track of all the things that bothered me about myself. Doing this made me realize that I complain.... A LOT. I don't even have a lot to complain about. I've been thinking about this ungrateful and whiny attitude that I've developed, and I also thought about how much it bothers me when other people do the same. I don't want to live my life with this bad attitude anymore. I learned in Seminary a couple weeks ago that a person's attitude affects everything. I LOVE being happy! So from now on I'm going to focus on my attitude, and the words that come from my mouth. Things I'm grateful for today:

5) Getting decent grades in school. And having awesome Professors.
4) I can listen to my favorite music pretty much all day everyday.
3) My Seminary teachers. They really help me feel the Spirit and learn about the gospel every morning. And that helps me think clearly throughout my day.
2) I have an intact family, who loves each other.
1) I'm ALIVE


  1. I never noticed you complained, But thats cool! You should added drawing cute chibi people to da list! :D

  2. Right now I'm feeling lousy with bronchitis and a toothache, but HEY! I'm alive, and I have teeth! :D

    Reading this makes me feel happy! I hope my Mia Maid girls are grateful for their blessings, too!

  3. Aww!!! Poor Nacy Face! :( That sounds REALLY hurty! I hope you feel better soon! :)

    Other than your toothache and bronchitis, how are you doing?


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