IT MAH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Well....Tomorrow

Aieeeee! I'm turning 16!!!!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. When I was 10 I always thought that my life would be so freaking awesome when I turned 16. I would be able to date, drive, and get a job! I'm UBER excited for driving!! Dating and job.....Um. Not so much. Dude. I'm getting OLD.

My AMAZING Young Woman leader brought a chocolate cake and 16 candles for my birthday to mutual. I was so sad because I'm on a special diet and I cannot under any circumstance eat sugar. Therefore, i cannot eat cake, not just any cake, I cannot eat my BIRTHDAY CAKE.

Yup definitely going to be the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER. I'm going to be writing a Government research paper, and presenting my art project in from 16+ people. I'm not even being sarcastic. I'm excited. It will be a challenge to both of those things and it will prepare me for other things in my life.

*Next week is Finals! I am so happy!!! ( Not to take the tests but because I will FINALLY be done with this semester)

*I AM TUNING 16. It feels so weird to say that. This is my last post as a 15 year old. WEIRD.


  1. SQUEEE!!!

    Happy Burpday!
    H-A-P-P-Y B-U-R-P-D-A-Y!


  2. Happy birthday! I forgot you were turning 16! for some reason i though their was this imaginary number between 15 and 16. so this way i wouldn't have to imagine you driving (im envious. :P . I hope you birthday is awesome!!!

  3. Nancy Face: Thank you!!! :)

    Nadia: Thanks! Your comment made me laugh so hard! :) I wish their was an imaginary age then I wouldn't feel so old!!


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