"Holy" Bushes.
I'm so happy! Surprisingly the weather here is perfect, and I love it. Since I want to soak up the sun (no I am not quoting Sheryl Crow!) before it's too hot I have spent many of my precious hours outside like a normal kid. Ha! Like I could ever be normal . Yesterday I went to help my grandmother clean her house, I also did her weeds. Hers are a lot better than ours. *sigh* The worst part though was that all her weeds were inside the holly bushes . I have just developed a strong hatred toward holly bushes , you should see the scratches they give. Yuck! Today's music selection is..... Spill Canvas's All Over You. I think that song rocks, I listened to over and over while I wrote this post. I think you should listen to it right now on my play-list.
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