Adventures in Procrastination: The Eyebrow Mishap

I have been taking college classes since I was 14 years old. I always thought that by the time I reached university level classes I would learn how to stop being a procrastinator, but that is NOT how things worked out. My first full semester of BYU was when I learned how bad it was. I turned in a paper that was only half written after spending the entire night and early morning working my hardest. I somehow got a B+ on that paper, but it was a wake up call that my bad habit needed to change. I got better over the years and only procrastinated slightly, as in I had most of the work done before taking time to slack off.

Being in graduate school has not helped very much. I feel like it is slightly easier than undergrad. I am only working one job compared to the three I worked in undergrad. I was working on a graduate school midterm in February and I was having the hardest time completing it. I literally did all of the household chores that needed to get done, I did my laundry, I even mopped the floors y'all. I WAS STRUGGLING TO GET THIS THING DONE. 

Anyway, true to form it was the day before the assignment was due and I didn't want to do it. I finally got half of it done and then decided it was time for some self care. The self-care task that I took on was to tame my wild eyebrows. I heated up the wax strips in the microwave because the method on the box hadn't worked in the past. BIG MISTAKES . The first eyebrow was fine but it did not take any of the hair off. I ripped off the second one and threw it into the trash frustrated. Then I looked in the mirror. Wait, what??? Half of my freaking eyebrow was gone. I ran to the trash and checked the strip. Sure enough, the other half of my eyebrow was chillin on it. I screamed. No lie. It was so obvious.

I spent the next hour working on my paper, laughing at my stupidity. 


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