I would like to skip my injuries thank you

I'm always teasing my mom about not being able to skip.
In this case she's probably happy she can't.
On Wednesday for our young women activity,we had our Summer Challenge feast.
It was a combined activity with the young men.
For the activity we got to eat according to what we finished.
When I got home I was so happy I skipped to the front door.
That was a very big mistake.
As soon as I got to the front door I tripped on my dads shoe.
I was in major pain when I got inside.
Yesterday I couldn't even walk on my right foot.
So I became Miss Hops-a-lot.
It really stunk and then my brothers,and sisters started telling me I was faking it.
My ankle was huge, and not to mention it was black!
So that will teach me not to skip, no matter how happy I am.


  1. oh my gosh! BLACK!? ouch! i LOVE to skip! Im known as the happiest person i know, as some people say to me. I fall a lot too so I am with ya all the way sista!

    Luv Brynnderella

  2. I was so grateful when the swelling went down yesterday.
    But I still have a little bruise.
    And as soon as I could walk without limping I went skipping again.[It's very hard to avoid!]


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