The reason why I'm an Emo Emu

It all started one fateful day.
When all the girls in my primary class started asking me why I was so emo.
I didn't know what emo was.
So I went straight to my source of information [my mom].
She laughed when I asked her what it meant.
When she told me it meant I was emotional.
I protested but then I figured that I am a little emotional.
But my dad overheard and started calling me emo emu.
They also bought me a white belt to complete the name.
[I didn't wear it until just recently.]
I also just recently finished the fifth Harry Potter book ,I cried at the end.


  1. Oh my Josh! I totally didn't know what EMO was until I was a sevie. Ahh!

  2. Thats not as bad as me.
    I didn't know until I was 11!
    I can now see it was true.
    I'm totally Emo.So now I look back and laugh.

  3. LOL omigooooodnesss! that is soooo hilariou! =]


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