Yes this is all true!

I have said many crazy things in my life. Most of them my mom has already blogged. So I'm going to blog this one. Besides it is my story. When we were at the pool Friday my mom wanted me to pull her around the pool. I did it, then I tried to pick her up in the water. I jokingly told her that I'll have to get married in a pool so my husband could carry me over the threshold. Please remember that I was joking. Well anyway this summer we spent a lot of it at the pool. So we saw the lifeguards frequently. One of them always had his Rubik cube with him, I thought it was interesting. So when I got home I said,"Mom I want an aerobics cube." Yes I thought it was an aerobics cube. I learned quickly that I was wrong. Because my mom started laughing and told me between laughs that its Rubik. Okay so now I get it. That's only a couple of the crazy things to have escaped my mind and come out of my mouth. So I don't feel alone on this matter please share some of the crazy things you've said too.


  1. Don't worry, somebody (not me) told a proud member of the chess club that people who played chess are dorks not knowing that the person liked chess.

  2. Wow I bet that person took a blow to his ego.

  3. sunbum-i ♥ ur blogg! lol i subscribed. yeeah well my blog is

  4. Thank you and I love your blog too.

  5. u know on my poollll? ure the one who voted that hawt sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes r hawt right? ok well thats eXACTLY how the guy that i like looks like! Except he needs sum proactive...ANYWHOooo yaya! lol. what was i going 2 say...oh yeah put me on ur lil linkies! bies

  6. Okay. My mom is the one who did my linkies. As soon as I learn you will be on it. Yes that was me. You didn't have anything that sounded like Edward. So I went with the second choice.


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