Do the Apache with me!

Next week for our Wednesday night activity we will be doing a talent show. This will include all of the youth.I personally don't really enjoy preforming on stage, but Crazy Cat Lady and I wanted to do something for this. So these are some of the things we considered: Lip synching, interpretive dance (her idea not mine!), or singing a crazy song. My Mom recommended that we do the Apache dance. If you've seen it you will know that it's a very, very crazy dance. One time I watched myself do it in the mirror. It was horrible. I went to her house so we could decide what to do. I asked,"Cam do you want to do Thriller?"She wasn't thrilled at the idea of doing Thriller, but she said she would do it. I was excited to learn that her sister knew it and she was willing to help us. But then I made the mistake of showing her the Apache video on youtube. She absolutely loved it. So now we're going to do Thriller with her sister for her talent, and she's going to do Apache with us. We danced for our parents and my Mom burst out laughing. I desperately hope that they're not going to record this!!!jealous


  1. sounds tubular! I remember one time we had a ward talent show and my two friends were singing this old man and I wanted to do it with them literally last minute. So I took a sting from a hula skirt and pretended that I was "the dog" and it looked like I was just on the stage shaking my bum to the audience because no one could see the thin string attached to my bum. Nobody said anything gratefully but it was still pretty darn embarassing

  2. Okay I would never ever do that. I am usually the one on stage. I like acting so I do that (not a lot though). When I sing on stage I'm afraid of being off key!!!


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