Dorky Injuries Report: Kung-Fu

It was the beginning of Kung-Fu class, and we were doing some jump-kicks. I was in a good mood, and I decided to try to jump farther than my usual puny jumping distance. I did jump longer, but sadly I landed in a weird (and hurtful) position. I was in shock for a moment and then the pain hit me while I tried to walk back to the line. I knew that I wouldn't make it through the rest of class so I hobbled over to Master J. and whispered through my pain,"I hurt my ankle and I don't think I can do jump-kicks anymore!!" Master J. told me to sit until I felt better. I waited a couple of minutes and then my ankle started swelling so I went to tell my mom. As soon as I got outside I let go of the tears and let them flow as I sobbed my story to her. After class was over Buster told me how one boy asked him when I was sitting in the corner,"Whoa! What happened to Klutz Girl?" Buster was confused who "Klutz Girl" was so he didn't answer. The boy then asked Buster who his siblings were, first Buster pointed at me and the boy burst out laughing!! Then when he almost had complete control again he said,"Klutz Girl? *giggle* Klutz Girl?!! *snort* Klutz Girl is your sister?!! *uncontrollable laughter again*" I like the nickname and it's kind of true to me......Just kind of.......

*I learned two lessons from this experience......1: Don't nickname people if you yourself don't really like it. 2: Be careful!!! Even if the jump that you're doing is easy, because you can always get hurt!!*


  1. I'm sorry you ended up hurt-y. :(

    HEY! Klutz Girl should be MY nickname! I pretty much can't go through a doorway without running into the doorjamb! :0

  2. Lauren has been given a nickname by someone in her fiance's family. She doesn't like the nickname AT ALL, and neither do I! We're expecting that she'll be introduced by this stupid nickname at her wedding luncheon and reception! :0

  3. Yay! Pain and suffering!!! JK!!! (that means just kidding! >:)

  4. Sister Face: Sorry! The name is mine! :) I can't walk without hurting myself in some way!! What's the nickname?!! You've peaked my interest now!!

  5. Birdie...UGH!!!

    This person decided her name wasn't Lauren, but La-wren. You know, wren as in bird. So now she's Birdie, and it REALLY ticks her off! >:/

  6. Hm....That's not so bad, I was preparinbg myself for the worst... The kids in my Sunday School class a couple years ago did that to me. Thankfully they didn't call me Birdie. Yuck, it's hideous!!!!


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