My Guardian Angel is Getting a Raise

Oooh child, I just KNOW my guardian angel is on the verge of quitting. The past few weeks have been full of close calls, and they have been working overtime keeping me alive. 

Experience 1: Almost Died While Blogging

In August I was still recovering from ACL/Meniscus surgery. I spent a lot of time work outside on the porch. I really enjoyed writing on my Blog after work hours so I would post up on the bench for hours writing about my recovery. I also spent a bit of time reading outside because I couldn't do much on my bum knee. It was a lovely evening, the leaves were just starting to change on the trees, the birds were chirping, the crickets were munchin' on the bush leaves, and the porch cat was being a general nuisance. I was typing away on my laptop when I heard 2 loud noises that sounded like a scooter backfiring. I saw a red scooter driving past my parent's yard super fast. I was confused by the noise it emitted but went back to writing.

The next day my mom discovered a bullet hole and damage to the upstairs window. This window happens to be situated a few feet above where I was sitting the night before. As it turns out, the loud noises I heard were gunshots, and the scooter person was the one shooting. We had to do witness statements, show the police the damage, and then we figured out the timeline. My little brothers were at swim lessons, but they are often in the hall at the time shots were fired. My mom just so happened to be downstairs cutting a blueberry freezer cake, and was in the hallway where the bullets landed mere moments before the incident. I was sitting directly below where the bullets entered the house. I was more than a bit shaken up from the experience. I have linked the article article that describes the incident and his other crimes committed throughout the day. 

I found him on Facebook pretty quickly and was devastated to see that he had young kids. He was posting memes about love and losing love all day, so from that I inferred that man was heartbroken. Despite his heartbreak, putting the general public in danger is never the answer. I had such bad anxiety about being outside after the incident. 

Ladder in the road

A few weekends after the incident described above I drove down to Provo to visit a friend. She is in a PhD program in California so we only get to see each other a few times a year. I was already nervous about driving down because Friday traffic is the worst thing ever, but I am willing to make sacrifices for my friends. As I was driving past Lehi (in the middle lane) a ladder came up out of nowhere. I saw about 10 cars with flats on the side of the road because they hit it. Thankfully no one was was around me so I was able to swerve enough to mostly avoid it. My back tire hit the ladder and I immediately called my brother and my dad for their advice. I pulled over and checked the tire and everything seemed fine. To say that I was shaken up is an understatement.

Bumper in the road

On my way back to Logan ON THAT SAME TRIP there was a giant bumper in the road. I narrowly avoided hitting it as it was in the middle of the road at night. If I had hit it my car would have sustained some major damage. The people who don't secure their crap and leave it on the I-15 can catch these hands. 

Driving sometimes causes major anxiety for me, and these two experiences solidify reasons why I should be anxious. 🤦


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