New Favorite Show, Heartbreak, and One Of My Awesome New Skills!

I admit it! I'm in love with Glee!!! It's funny, and they have lots of amazing singers!!! When my dad came home from work yesterday he said," Sunbum, I saw this show that I think you'll really like." "What is it called?" I asked. "Glee, I think." I clapped my hands and said," I already watched that show on Tuesday!!! I love, love, love it!!!! It's so good." He nodded his head and said,"I knew you would like it." *sigh* I despise being predictable.

At the end of the Pilot episode I found out that the whole season won't air until the Fall!!!! I was really sad when I saw that......Then I went and put the Glee version of Don't Stop Believing on my play list, and much to my families dismay I've been playing it nonstop ever since. (I don't like the original song, but their version is really good!)

On Wednesday for Mutual we learned knitting. I loved it! I've wanted to learn for a long time, and even though I wasn't very good at it I had a ton of fun! The sister that taught us is trying to make 100 baby caps by Thanksgiving, and she asked if we would help her!

*I got another haircut, it's not very noticeable though.*


  1. *GASP* You don't like the original version of Don't Stop Believin'? That ain't right. :P

    I will admit that the Glee version is catchy.

  2. I'm glad you like knitting! I STINK at it! :)


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