Due To The Request Of One Of My Favorite Bloggers (Sister Face) I Shall Now Tell You All About My Week At Girls Camp!!!!

*Warning: This post contains a lot of exclamation points, and it's probably not totally grammatically correct!

One of the best parts for me is that mom was able to drive us to camp this year!!!! And what made it better was that my friend Cameo rode with us!!!!! I had so much fun singing/talking with my mom, Cammie, and Monkey on the way there, and then showing my mom around camp when we got there!!!! Okay on to the Girls Camp part:

Girls Camp was amazing!!! I learned so many things, and since this year we focused on unity I was able to make a lot of friends outside of the 3rd year girls. As I told you in my last post, our theme was W.O.W (Women of Worth). We learned about having “The Hawaiian Spirit” on the first day, and the leaders challenged us to be nice to everyone by smiling and say "Aloha" to everyone we saw. I was pretty much the only girl who did that throughout the whole week!!! And then I took it to the next level.....

I woke up before everyone in the mornings and I would be the first one ready to go so I could say my new favorite phrase in Hawaiian “Aloha Kakahiaka” which is “Good Morning to You” in Hawaiian. I might have annoyed a couple girls by being so cheery so early in the morning, but a lot of people like it, so negativity didn't bother me.....Much.

I was not thrilled at first when I found out that our ward was going to be sharing a cabin, and that we would be moving out of the cabin where we'd been for two years in a row, but then I found our who we were going to be sharing with!! Monkey and I have a really good friend in that ward, and the news got better when we found out that we got the HUGE cabin!!! I was really happy about sharing after that. I made a lot of new friends in the other ward, and two girls in particular were so sweet with me!! They were both 1st years, but unlike 1st years in years past they weren't intimidated by the older campers (I was so glad that they weren't because that would've stunk) one of them approached me at lunch on the second day and said," Do you want to be my friend?" I was so surprised because that had never happened to me before and of course I said,"Yes!!!" She looked so happy, and then I felt really happy!!! That was an awesome experience for me!!

As a 3rd year I had to teach a little lesson before our night hike, and that made me want to be a Youth Leader real bad!!! (The night hike was totally awesome, and we've never done it before!!!! The Youth Leaders taught lessons under flashlights at little stations, and they taught about divinity. After the hike we sung hymns and that was really beautiful)

This year was by far the best year for me because not only was I able to feel the spirit strongly throughout the week, but I was also able to learn new things that helped me build my testimony.

On the last day our Youth Leaders dressed up as Women Of Worth from the scriptures (Esther, Emma Smith, Mary, ect...) our Leaders taught us about each of these women’s acts of faith, love, courage, and patience! And we learned how to be like them in our everyday lives!!!

I cried a couple times at camp, and I baled like a baby at testimony meeting (as usual), and I got to know the girls in my ward better!!! I love Girls Camp!!! I can't wait until I can share my experiences, and knowledge with the younger girls when I'm a Youth Leader!!! In two years!!! (Oh, and 4th year sounds pretty awesome too :)

So that's all I have to write for right now, I pretty much covered everything I wanted to, I need to write it all into my journal before I forget details!!! Aloha (bye) everybody!!


  1. I love the title! ;)

    I love exclamation points, too! They are just happy! :)

  2. Your camp sounds AWESOME in so many ways! How fun that your cool mama got to drive you there and get the tour of camp! I'm glad you took the "Aloha" challenge all week long! You never know how much a happy smile and greeting can mean to another girl! By the way...I'm a morning person too, and sometimes I've annoyed other leaders by being cheerful and loud way too early for them, haha! :D

    I'm happy you got the huge cabin and made some nice new friends, yay! The night hike and Women of Worth lessons sound just great...it makes me so happy that your testimony was strengthened! :)

    Yep, you're right...4th year IS awesome, and being a Youth Camp Leader is AMAZING! It just keeps getting better and better! :)

    Thanks for sharing this! I loved reading it! :D

  3. Word Verification just said REBARF. Hmmm, that's strange...I didn't know anybody barfed the FIRST time around! ;)

  4. That sounds like it was so much fun, and it makes me miss Girl's Camp!!! :( Enjoy the years you can go while you can, I haven't gone for 4? Maybe? Sheesh, that makes me feel like an old-fart.

  5. We're in A-Frames this year, last year we were in Tee Pees. We're leaving tomorrow and my mom is in charge for the 2nd years(me). Our theme is Put on the Whole Armor of God.

  6. It sounds like your camp was awesome. My ward never did 4th year leader things. That really sounds AWESOME! I am glad that you had a great time!


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