Happy Birthday Monkey!!!!

Today is Monkeys 12th birthday. Yes, we are both going to be 12 for the next month. Isn't that great? So this is for you Monkey. Sorry I just discovered that there is very few pictures of just you alone. Well Happy Birthday anyway!!!! Come here to wish her a happy birthday too! She's the tallest person in this picture. *sniff*
This is what she had to wear when doing Taekwondo. It was completely white until she started exercising in it.
Woo hoo! That was one of the funnest pictures ever to take. Wasn't it? (Is funnest a word?)
I think she might love this family more than me. :(
She is a true cheese-ball, but we all love her like that.
These are her stick-figures, man they're very fancy!

Beware: She is fierce when she has her cookie gun. Make no sudden movements when she has it in her hands. You have been warned. Seriously she gets really mean if you mess up the cookies.
These are some of the things I know about you:
Your favorite color is: Turquoise
Your favorite song is: Grace Kelly by Mika
Your favorite movie is: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Your favorite book is: The Twilight series
Your favorite thing to do is: Draw, and do other art things.
Your favorite move in Kung-Fu is: Cart-wheels
I love you and I hope you have a great birthday!!!!
Love Sunbum


  1. Happy Birthday Monkey!!! :)
    Fun pictures :D
    ...Who doesn't LOVE Twilight ;)

  2. Ooooh I was FIRST! *high five*!

  3. Monkey looks like a genuine cookie thug.

    Happy Birthday Monkey!

  4. Happy Birthday Monkey!!!

    I don't think she loves the Cullens as much as me though.

  5. You are the bestest sister to do this awesome birthday post for Monkey! I love all the pictures! They are the funnest! ;)

    *BESTEST and FUNNEST are not really words, but I don't care, because it's fun to use them!*

  6. She is Cameo!

    Lauren: Oh sure.

    Nancy: Yes they are fun to use.

  7. Yeah! Nadia commented on my Blog! I'm very excited. :)

  8. oh i for got happy late b-day monkey!happy really late b-day.


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