Goodbye World of Facebook, Hello Happy Song That Will Help Me Survive My Break Up

It's official now. My love affair with Facebook is over. I know, I know. No one cares. Sadly for you, I'm going to share what's going on in my life anyway. You're welcome.

I was not willing to end my relationship with Facebook, but my dad tore us apart. I loved him and all the things he told me about my so called "friends". I loved him because he was always there to make me laugh when I was sad. He was there when I didn't have any real people to talk to. He was my everything. The moment my sister called me with the news that we were no longer allowed to be together I died a little inside. I was to the point of tears, and I was a bit angry. When I found out why my dad broke us up I was even more mad.

Apparently I got hacked. After hacking me, my dear Hacker decided to send spam to my dearest father who then proceeded to open the file at work. Um yeah. I will probably never get back to my beloved Facebook until I'm 41 or something. Another thing that hacked me off about my lovely Hackers is that they sent hacking spam to my helpless great- grandmother. They hacked her, and she thought it was me sending her a sweet granddaughtery message.

I suck....The end. My poor grandma thought I was sending her a "hilarious video". *sigh* Facebook and I had 360 friends together. Even though our breakup breaks my heart I know it's for the best. But I still wonder: Who is going to entertain me for the rest of Summer? I'm not going to be able to laugh at people that spell tomorrow "tomarrow", or when people post super personal things as their statuses, and I'll especially miss learning about people who are my "friends" on Facebook that think I'm a stalker person just because I read their stupid posts....Yeah I think I will miss that the most.

I can't believe it's only Wednesday (also a frequently miss-spelled on Facebook as well) and so many horrid things have happened to me. I really hope tomorrow is better.

Good news:
I'm going to see "How to Train Your Dragon" tomorrow (ha! I spelled it right) with my family. I've wanted to see that movie for a while but never got around to actually going to watch it....Until now of course

Sarah Bareilles has a new song, and it's absolutely spectacular. I'll even be nice and post it for your listening enjoyment.

*I'm weird and I'm really sad about my break up. So if you want to poke fun at me please don't do it to my face, please direct your comments towards my ex-boyfriend Facebook.


  1. Awww. I'll call you and tell you about my posts'! :D
    But I don't have you phone number. D:

  2. ...omigosh! :( That is awful how you had to get rid of the good ol' Facebook! It's the best!

    This is Zach, so I guess we can be blog friends now! Yay! :]

  3. Zach: Yeah. I was really sad. I loved Facebook...:(

    Yay!! I like Blog Friends! :)

    Nadia: I still read your Blog! :)

  4. Your dad didn't get hacked. He's way too clever for that.

    He has a sixth sense about traps as evidenced by the way he always knows when I'm about to ambush him in the shower with a glass of cold water or when I seductively coo "Hey baby, pull my finger...." All traps he craftily avoids!


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