Re-Cap Post!!! Yeah, It's Pretty Nerdalicious!!!

Wow. Just wow. I realize that I haven't written on my Blog in forever! So now I'm going to do one of the lamest Blog things ever... A Recap post! Yay!!!

So here are five fun, amazing, and somewhat horrible (not necessarily in that order) things I've done since school ended last month:

1) Well last Monday I hung out with my grandma. To be more specific my GREAT-GRANDMA!!!!! How exciting is that?!!!! She took Monkey, Caterpillar, and I to the underground mall downtown! It was amazing! Since it was Caterpillar's birthday I bought and cup of delicious pretzel bites with sugar on it. They were amazing!! Very expensive but yummy nonetheless. So yeah it was awesome hanging out with her! Oh and we got to ride the metro backwards! Awesomeness!
*My lovely sisters minus the youngest!! I love those guys! :)

2) Two Monday's ago I left for the 4th year High Adventure trip for Girls Camp! We canoed for five hours, we camped in real tents, and then we got to go tubing! First of all this was the first year of Girls Camp that I actually had to do "real" camping. I have been spoiled with the air-conditioned cabins for all these years so I was not prepared to sleep in the heat. It wasn't all that bad, but I found out the next morning that I rolled on top of the girl next to me. (That was a bit embarrassing...) My finger got cut on the canoe, and we tipped over three times!!!!!!!!! The girl that canoed with me tipped us over!!! We ended up having to get replacement partners because we were lagging behind. But it helped me forge a close bond with the other two girls that helped us by taking our stuff into their canoe. Being wet and sandy drove me crazy. By the end of the second day I couldn't wait to get to our girly-girl cabins with nice showers and changing rooms.... All in all I had a wonderful time and made new friends! It was a good year.

3) So real Girl's Camp was spectacular! I am in love with Girls Camp! This year was my last year as just a camper, next year I'm going to be a Youth Leader. Word's cannot describe how excited I am to be a Youth Leader. Maybe it's just because I'm bossy, and I like teaching stuff! :) I got to know a lot of the first years and they are so adorable! The girls in my Ward are so amazing! I love every one of them!! They are terrific girls!

4) Okay. Let me just explain how nerdy I am. I exceed all normal nerdiness. Even total nerds frown down upon me. It might be the fact that I read constantly, and love school. Or it maybe it's because I bought a He-Man sword at Walmart when it was on sale. (Yes. I do play with it. In my defence I play with my siblings and their He-Man swords. It's not like I fight imaginary foes or anything. Gosh.) No I'm pretty sure it's because I'm super duper excited about the Lock-In at the library coming up this Friday. We're going to spend the night at the library watching movies, playing games, and playing tag throughout the library! Forgive me if that does not sound awesome!! I kid you not this might be the most exciting thing I've done this summer!! (Yes, this is the reason my nerd friend told me I was more nerdy than her!)

5) I have been catching up with pretty much every supernatural show ever created and put on Hulu. Oh and every supernatural romantic comedy, and all the latest Disney movies. I've watched both seasons of "Dead like Me", the first season of my favorite show: "Reaper", and a 2004 show called "Nightstalker". I recently finished watching the Disney movie "16 Wishes". It was cute in its own way, definitely not the best movie I've ever seen. It certainly had its redeeming qualities. Namely the cute boy that played Debbie Ryan's best friend. Seriously, he is adorable! I've wanted to watch "13 Going on 30" and "Just Like Heaven" for a while now and I finally did it! They were both so charming! "Just Like Heaven" had one of my favorite actresses of all time, Reese Witherspoon and the one of the "most handsome manly man who stars in chick flicks" guy Mark Ruffalo. (Both movies had him in it! :))

*So that's what has been happening in the life of (me) Sunbum. (Lauren, or whatever other name you may have for me.....Nerd Girl perhaps?)
The End.


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