It's a Cupcake Thing!! Duh!

My sister Natalie and I were walking home from the duck pond yesterday, and we were just having a random conversation as usual. Then something she said reminded me of the movie
Penelope" and so I blurted out quite loudly "I'm old enough to buy my own 'Ho Hos', mother!!!" Natalie and I laughed and laughed because we are both in love with that movie. When I was done laughing I looked to the left and realized that I had not seen the lady that was gardening right next to us. She looked at Nat and I and shook her head dissapoovingly. I tried to make the situation by saying "I mean the brown 'Ho Ho's' No wait! I mean the cupcake 'Ho Hos'. The brown cupcake 'Ho Hos'. You know they are kind of like 'Ding Dongs'!!! I don't mean anything bad gosh!!" Everything I said made her dissaproving head shake get worse. So then Natalie and I ran home before I said anything else. Yeah, I went home to the people that understand and don't judge me on my random movie quoting problem. *sigh*

-Penelope is my favorite movie ever!


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