
Showing posts from November, 2012

Thanksgiving Day 3

This afternoon I found out that a girl in my stake passed away. She was only 18 years old, and had just started college in August. Although, we were not close friends, we served together at Girls Camp, and in our Stake Christmas Fireside for many years. I am deeply saddened for her family during this time, and pray that they will be able to be comforted during this difficult. I also ask those who may read this post to pray for the other people involved in the accident, and her family. Madie was loved by pretty much everyone who knew her, she impacted so many lives in her time on earth. I know that she will impact so many more people in Heavenly Father's kingdom. Madie's passing has really made me take a look at my own life. It is surreal for me to think that a girl I saw every morning at Seminary, last year is gone in a blink of an eye. We seriously never know when Heavenly Father will want us to come back to Him. As I drove to work today I could not get this tragedy ou...

Thanksgiving Day 2

Today I am thankful for an education. It has now become crunch time for me. I only have three classes until I finally attain my Associates Degree. Unfortunately, those classes are two sciences, and a math. Ugh. But hopefully I will be able to place into them and accomplish my goal! I am also applying to colleges!! Craziness! I was invited to an Honor College dinner at Sam Houston! I'll write about it another time, but lets just say I really, really, really, really want to get accepted. It sounds fantastic. I am also thankful for my parents for pushing me to be better, and to get ahead in college work! They are obviously super wise. I never would have been able to do this all on my own! I love them!

Thanksgiving Day One!!

Okay, so I have never blogged from my phone before, so this will be interesting! Winter I my favorite time of the year. I love the cold weather, the clothes, the Christmas romantic comedies, and especially the general attitude. I love having an attitude of gratitude. And it seems like during the holiday season other people adopt that point of view as well. One of the most rewarding feelings is when you bring a light into someone's life, and the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays gives opportunities to do that. For the next five days I will be posting the things I am thankful for!! 5) Over the summer, I decided that I wanted to do a big project for personal progress. I decided on making baby hats for premature babies. Unfortunately, however, I am not crafty, I don't know how to knit, and I fail miserably at every artsy endeavor I have tried. Despite all the things that could go wrong, I bought hat knitting looms. It took a couple of days for me to finally learn how to do ...