Thanksgiving Day 3

This afternoon I found out that a girl in my stake passed away. She was only 18 years old, and had just started college in August. Although, we were not close friends, we served together at Girls Camp, and in our Stake Christmas Fireside for many years. I am deeply saddened for her family during this time, and pray that they will be able to be comforted during this difficult. I also ask those who may read this post to pray for the other people involved in the accident, and her family. Madie was loved by pretty much everyone who knew her, she impacted so many lives in her time on earth. I know that she will impact so many more people in Heavenly Father's kingdom.

Madie's passing has really made me take a look at my own life. It is surreal for me to think that a girl I saw every morning at Seminary, last year is gone in a blink of an eye. We seriously never know when Heavenly Father will want us to come back to Him. As I drove to work today I could not get this tragedy out of my head. I realized that I need to always tell my family that I love them. It is so easy to get complacent, to forget that life is fragile. We should never let our loved ones forget their importance. I also realized that I need to develop a stronger testimony of the gospel, I prepare myself to share my Heavenly Father's 'Plan of Happiness' with everyone. I also need to build people up, encourage others, and serve those who stand in need.

Thank you for being such a great example of our Heavenly Father's love. You are a beautiful daughter of God.

Rest in Peace Madeline.


  1. I am so very sad to learn of this.

    One of Lauren's school friends of many years was also involved in a tragic accident. Monday night she got engaged, and yesterday she set out from Utah with her fiance' and his sister to come here to Arizona so he could meet her family. Apparently he fell asleep at the wheel. The crash killed his sister, and he is in critical condition with a broken neck. Lauren's friend was not seriously injured, but it's such a horrible thing for her to be going through with her sweetheart.

  2. The girl I know is the sister! I am so glad to know that Taylor's fiance is physically okay. I feel horrible for the family. :(


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