A TEARible Turn of Events

2 Hours Before the Incident:

I should have known that I had done something to piss off the universe. I left work a bit early for a dentist appointment, and missed every single light on my way to the office. Then I had to wait an additional 45 minutes before being called back. I didn't mind waiting though because I got sucked into My Millionaire Dream Home on HGTV. 

The signs from the universe actually when I sat in the chair. I was chatting with my dental hygienist and getting my teeth cleaned, when all of a sudden I heard a pop. I was so confused as to where the pop came from. I sat up and my glasses slid down my face. The pop, in question, was my glasses literally disintegrating on my face. I guess they lost the will to live. I went through the rest of my appointment practically blind. I still don't know what even happened. The glasses were barely a year old!

1 Hour Before the Incident:

Since I didn't have my back-up glasses, I had to wear my prescription sunglasses to drive home. It was already dark out so that made it a bit scary, but I made it back home safe and sound. As I was eating dinner my sister asked if we were going to Family Home Evening (FHE) to play chair soccer. Now, if you know me, I am not a huge fan of church sports. It's just not something I'm interested in, like AT ALL. I love the arts and crafts activities and voluntarily go to those, but sports?? Count me the hell out. My sister on the other hand LOVES sports. Resigned, I agreed to go with her.

The Incident:

While I may not be super into sports, I AM a very competitive person. I got very involved in the chair soccer game and ended up being one of the last two people not eliminated. It was me, a 5'4 woman, against a 6'4 guy, and I was determined to win. I ran the ball over to his chair intending to get him out, and he blocked the ball with his body making the ball go toward my chair. He ran toward me, and I went to turn left to get the ball/get back to my chair. As I was turning I heard a pop and then I blacked out. I awoke a few seconds later on the floor and in immense pain. As someone with chronically terrible ankles, I just assumed I twisted my ankle. I sat up and could feel pounding in my head and in my left knee. People kept trying to help me up, and I was like "please don't touch me. I just need a second". I was eventually able to stand up, but when I tried to walk my knee buckled. I hobbled over to the stage and my sister helped me get there. 

Ever hopeful, I thought it was just a sprain or something. However, it immediately swelled to three times the size of my knee on a normal day and started turning black. I didn't cry at all, but apparently I let some curses slip through. One of the bishopric members is a doctor and he said that it should be fine if I iced and elevated the injury. The bishop ran to his car and grabbed the oldest bottle of Advil I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure it was wayyyy expired but I took it anyway. 

Immediately Post Incident:

I literally had to grip the wall as I made my way to my car. I was seeing colors every time I tried to walk on my left leg. The next morning, I couldn't walk at all. I had to call my mom to drive me to work, booty scoot down the stairs, and pretty much hop to the car and then into my office. I only had to hop for one day, because my angel friend, Mel, dropped off crutches for me to use the next day! I got x-rays done at the Urgent Care three days later, and they said to see a specialist in 3-weeks if it wasn't better. I bought a brace at Kroger and continued hobbling on crutches for a few weeks.

3-Weeks Post Incident:

I saw the knee specialist and he conducted a Lachman Test on my knees. By the time I saw him I was off crutches. The swelling had reduced significantly, I wore the supportive knee brace and walked with a limp. I was hopeful that he would say that everything was okay. However, after conducting the test, he confirmed my worst fears. He found that my left knee was way too loose. He suspected a sprained MCL and possible ACL sprain, but said he could not know for sure until I got an MRI. I got the MRI a week later, and had to wait even longer to hear back from him because he was on Spring Break. Two weeks later his office called and said that I had in fact completely torn my ACL and medial meniscus. They referred me to a surgeon and I got an appointment set for the next week. 

Ignore the hideous disposable shorts, but you can see the difference between the two knees here.

 Peep the bestie and my knee brace!


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