I am not a couch potato! I'm a mushroom-chair potato!

Have you heard of a show called Dresden Files? Have you ever seen it at your local Blockbuster and thought that it sounded really good; but you decided to get something "better" instead? If you have done either of these things then rest assured you are not alone. My mom really wanted to get it, but of course she didn't get it then and there, but eventually she decided that it was finally time to get it. Well actually I'm the one who reserved it at the library for her, I was shocked to find that we were number 30! It seemed as though everybody wanted to see it at the same time. We've had it for two weeks now, but we only started watching it yesterday. When the rest of my family finished eating cake that was left over from my cousin's 3rd birthday party we all gathered our mushroom chairs around the computer, and started this thrilling adventure without having to move an inch. That is of course if you don't count our ice cream break, which was necessary to calm our nerves! (I'm just kidding it's not that scary) As all of my favorite TV shows it is not going for it's second season. *sob* They cancel everything I love!!!!


  1. Probably because people just don't understand its awesome...

    I've never seen that show.

  2. I've never heard of that show!:( I must be out of the loop. Yum for cake though mmmm


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