Dorky Injuries Report

This post is brought to you from Sunbum's Dorky Injuries Report. The following is just to assure you that this is not being written from behind or beyond the grave.......

Anybody who has ever read my Blog would know that it's just a walk in the park for me when it comes to hitting my head on car doors, and munching the floor in skipping accidents, or pouring scorching hot cereal on my face!! Sadly it wasn't any of those things this time. Today I got to try something new and "different" in the kitchen injury department. It wasn't the dorkiest thing that I've done, and it wasn't life threatening (If anybody was worried)it was just plain old Sunbum dorkiness......Can you guess what I did?

I was attacked by the papercut giving "Paper Plate of Doom" at lunch!! I have the cuts to prove it too! Yes, you may laugh now.....


  1. I am completely in are the first person I have EVER heard of that's been attacked by a paper plate. Seriously. :0

  2. Your blog looks fantastic! I loved the old look just have great taste! :)

  3. She has great taste courtesy of HER MAMA!!!!

    I'm glad that I could finally be an influence for good even if it just relegated to the blog template. :)

  4. I was a witness to the Paper Plate Attack.

    The official record of this account has a statement by me that reads as follows:
    "Oh Lauren, only YOU would get hurt by a paper plate while eating lunch off it."

  5. You are very talented at being injured!

    P.S. I love your new background

  6. Sister Face: Well...There's a first for everything....Right?

    Mom: Yes, it's all because of you!! By the way I'm sure at least one other person had done that, but they have not admitted it yet.

    Cameo: Thanks Cameo, I love yours too! :) That's probably my only talent.

  7. paper plate of doom?? niice (;

    oh and i like your new background
    you FINALLY updated it

    haha, I update mine like every day though so I shouldn't be giving you advice (:

  8. It was painful!! :)

    Yeah Brynn I noticed!

  9. Ouch I HATE papercuts! Know what's worse? (yes, it's possible) ALUMINUM FOIL cuts!! Yeah, I about screamed out loud in the grocery store! :(


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