The results of being a dork!

Today I'm going to Blog about a few of my many cuts, and burns. Just so you know all of them were self-inflicted while cooking.

Face: I was taking my cereal out of the microwave but I got distracted for a second, and when I looked up the bowl fell on my face. It hurt so bad, I can remember the pain vividly. I cried for a long time, when I finished my dad applied a black cream to help stop the scarring. I had to wear the ugly black cream on my face for a long time. I'm happy to say that I don't have any residue from that incident. I was glad to know that I wouldn't be like the Phantom of the Opera. I don't think I could stand wearing a mask.

Index finger: I was cooking grilled cheese sandwiches for my siblings, yet again I got distracted. Buster had said something funny for once so I was laughing really hard, and then I felt it. The burning sensation swept across my finger. I was in shock for a moment, and then I screamed a scream that would put all the scream-o stars to shame. I still have the mark, but it only shows when my finger is wet.

Pinkie: It was my first year of Butt camp. And I really wanted to help in the kitchen. The kitchen lady grudgingly told me that I could cut the cucumbers for the salad. I didn't even get to cut one because the moment the knife came down the cucumber slipped out from beneath the way of the knife. Yes! I did it. I cut my finger so badly that the bleeding wouldn't stop for about 15 minutes. I had to go to the first aid station, and I was really embarrassed about it because I had assured her that I knew how to cut. She didn't let me cut anything for the rest of the week.

It would take forever to list all of my injuries, so that's why I didn't. There is a lesson to be learned from all my mistakes. *actually two* Always pay attention when you're cooking. Well doing anything for that matter. It took many tries for me to learn this lesson. I would never hurt myself on purpose! Ever!


  1. First!!! :) I'm sorry you've hurt yourself so much while cooking! I do it on a daily basis, I'm so used to it.
    One time, I was taking a pan of cookies out of the oven and accidentally got my mom on the side of the arm. She still has a scar, and I still feel aweful. :(
    Someone needs to invent full-body hot pads that you put on as soon as you enter a kitchen.....
    I can't believe you sliced your finger and it wouldn't stop bleeding! Owwwwww

  2. i was looking for an image and came by your blog ... pretty cool! ... i love colour i love expression and i love images infact anything that creates an electric motion i love!!! ... so anyways ... love and hugs ... sharon!

  3. The one that horrified me the mostest was the hot cereal IN THE FACE! :0

    YIKES! Pain and agony and fear of becoming the next Phantom of the Opera! And I can't even imagine having to wear black ointment on your face! AAAGGGHHH!!!

  4. Question:
    What do you do for little piglets when they get hurt?

    Apply some OINKment!

    Hahaha! :D

    (Please don't think I'm comparing little piglets to the fabulous Sunbum...I just remembered that dumb joke and couldn't resist!)


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