Wikipedia is my best friend!!!!

Happy Labor Day everybody!!!

Up until recently I thought that Labor Day was just another excuse for people to take one last vacation before the end of Summer. One afternoon I asked my first source of information (mom) about it. If my mom hadn't challenged me to find out what Labor Day actually was on my own; I would still be soaking in my ignorance. Since my first source wouldn't help me, I had to solely rely on my second form of information......Wikipedia!!! I learned a lot of things about this holiday, and I would like to share some of my new-found knowledge with all of you!

Labor Day:
· A United States Federal holiday
· It originated in 1882 when Central Labor Union of New York City made a day for working citizens to have the day off.
· It was made a holiday by Congress in 1892
· For some people it symbolizes the end of summer
· It is celebrated the first Monday in September (I already knew this one.....)
· It’s different then Labour Day which is celebrated in most other countries on May 1. (Otherwise known as May Day)
· It’s exceptionally big when an election is coming up, it is a time where the hopefuls will do big (important) speeches to help secure their place in the upcoming election.

*The most nerdy part about this is that I wrote a report on it.......*


  1. wow. i never dotherd to look labor day up befor. :0

  2. The only reason I care is cause I don't gotta go to school!!!

  3. Nadia: Neither have I!!!....Until now of course!

    Cameo: Ha! I knew you were going to say that!!

  4. Now you know more about it than I EVER did! ;)

  5. Pretty much, the only thing I knew was that it was a day for working citizens to get a day off.
    that went out the window.
    Now that I work A. Graveyards and B. Retail. I will forever now (until I quit) work holidays (except Christmas). sad huh?


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