Because of my laziness..........

Since I don't feel like writing at the moment I would like to instead share my favorite song ever with you.......Different by Acceptance!!! (This is especially for you Lauren because I know that you love Acceptance too!!) I have been crying to this emo song for about two years now and I'm still not tired of it. So please enjoy this until I come back with a real post for you guys tomorrow......

Lots of Love-


*My 1st Blogiversary is in 8 days!!!*


  1. Thanks for the shout out girl! Acceptance is so close to my heart. I have been listening to them non-stop lately.

  2. hey how r u sunbum are you ok what happened to you when hurricane Ike hit i lost power for like all most a day and i got soo hot in the house. i think i will have the new moon book by Monday I'll tell you when to bring the eclipse book k the tell me how u r!!! you haven't blogged in a two days and a half. im getting worried about you and monkey! :O

    *ps: sorry the msg is soooo long.*

  3. why dose no one post after i do non of u like me?

  4. So the stinkin' hurricane had the nerve to interrupt your Bloggiversary? HUMPH! >:(

  5. Awesome job on the wedding quiz! There will be a prize in the mail...I just need to figure out what that prize will be!

  6. I still need to check out Acceptance. Maybe I'll just go buy a cd. ha ha


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