What came after Breaking Dawn...........

After finishing Breaking Dawn I didn't think that I could love any book ever again. Boy, was I totally wrong about that!!! This is the first time that I've actually been glad to be wrong......

The lovely sisters Brynn and Cherstin recommended both of the following books to me. Thank you guys for telling my mom about the Uglies!!

My mom and I absolutely adore the Uglies series!! Please don't tear me apart for saying this but.....I think it was way better that any of the Twilight books......

I didn't read this book at first because everybody I knew who read it told me,"Oh, Sunbum you would love this!! It's so your kind of book!!" I truly despise being predicable so I decided I wasn't going to read it, and their predictions wouldn't come true. (Ha!) You can see how well that plan worked out.........I'm a sucker!! I couldn't resist for very long; so now I have proved them right! I really hoped that I wouldn't like it, but my hoping was all in vain! It was so good I could hardly stand to put it down for more than I second!!

Thank you guy again for telling me about these awesome books!!


  1. FIRST!

    Those are like totally two of my favorite books

  2. They're my favorite books now too!!!!!

  3. I'd posted awhile back and asked for suggestions for my daughter (9yr) for books. She just finished this Maximum Ride series and loved it more than Harry Potter. She's been bugging me to read it for awhile now. I guess I'll take your suggestion and finally read it.

    Was Uglies too teen for a nine year old?

  4. Yeah I think it's a little to teen for a nine year old.

  5. Has your 9 year old read Coraline? My 9 year old sister just finished it and loved it.......I read it a while ago and thought it was awesome!!! I think that was pretty good for a 9 year old.

  6. What I mean is I think your daughter might enjoy it....

  7. I'm so glad you liked them!
    ahhh some amazing books those are(:
    Wow better than twilight?
    that's pretty deep for you(:
    I like Max a LOT though
    finish the series!!

  8. Thanks for the advice!
    I just don't have the time to keep up with her reading habits!

  9. Twilight will always hold "my favorite book" spot in my heart.

    I just read a James Patterson book and it was so scandalous. I blushed the entire time.

  10. I just checked out the prettys and the specials!!!

  11. I've heard the Uglies was a good series!!! I guess it looks like I need to check it out, too!!!


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