Banana Bread Friday!!

Every time I make banana bread I ruin it. You see I double the recipe, and most of the time I forget things. But not today! I doubled the recipe, and instead of all white sugar I used some brown sugar also. The smell was heavenly! But I was afraid that it would be flat, and disgusting as usual. But no! It was perfect. In my many tries of making banana bread I finally made the perfect batch. Four loaves of wonderful smell, taste, and looks. Sadly I didn't take a picture before we devoured it, so I guess you'll have to take it from me. Monkey loves bread so she ate a lot of it! She also started a Blog today. Go Monkey!!


  1. PS: I just finished reading Eclipse...again...and have nothing left to read.

  2. Did you read Leven Thumps? I absolutely love those books. And I totally know how you feel about Eclipse. I'm so disappointed that the next book doesn't come out till next fall!

  3. I bought Leven Thumps, but have recently misplaced it

  4. Are you crazy? Wait what am I asking?!


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