Weird dream Monday presents: Curse of the door doll!!

Weird dream Monday was canceled due to the Internet connection shutting down and not saving anything. So today I bring you 'Weird dream Monday-Tuesday'!

I had this dream along time ago, but it is still vivid in my mind! This is how it went...
It was dark and everyone else was asleep. I was just laying in my bed thinking, and trying to get to sleep. Then I looked over to the door, the doll face wasn't there! I didn't see it anywhere. Well to understand the dream you have to know that I was very scared of the doll face. I still avoid it but I'm not scared anymore. Okay now that you know that we can go back to the dream. I couldn't breathe or move! I looked to the edge of the bed it was right there, and it was moving back and forth! It was mumbling things I couldn't understand. Then it smiled at me and tried to strangle me with it's long braids. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Then I woke up. I couldn't go to sleep after that! The next night I made sure that I closed the door before I went to sleep! I did have the same dream a couple times after that, but it doesn't bother me anymore.


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