This proves that I'm Emo

Last night my Mom got the first season of Ghost whisper on DVD. Mom, Monkey and I all went to watch it on the computer in the living room. I knew I was going to cry because I always do. In the beginning of the first episode I didn't think it was very good. But then in the middle I started sobbing really hard. (Then at that moment I knew that it was a good episode!) It was like that for the whole thing, every episode I would cry, and cry (and then cry some more). I finally got the chance to catch my breath when the movie froze and I went to fix it. Then I started to cry again. So there you go, this is proof that I'm emo!!


  1. LOL. If you're Emo then I'm probably the most Emo Emo you have ever heard of in your whole entire life! I cry at everything! Ack! I hate it!! One time my sister and I were watching Britdge to Terebethia (it was my SECOND time watching it) and even though it's not that sad, once Leslie dies I started bawling, then my sister started bawling and then we started laughing and bawling so it sounded like this:

    Me: *giggle* *sob* sob* *very big sob* giggle*

    My sister: *giggle* *giggle* sob* sob* *sob*

    We were just one big mess. After the movie finished (even though it was a very happy ending) I was still crying out of control, so I looked in the mirror and I looked like a ship wreck. My mascara was running down my face and my eyes were really red and blotchy, and I was slouched down with super bad posture. I really am EMO.

  2. We read Bridge to Terabithia for book club. When Leslie died Monkey jumped up from her chair grabbed the book from my Mom's hands and thew it across the room. Then she yelled,"I don't want to read the rest of this stupid book.!"(Monkey is not very emotional, and she doesn't like things that make her cry.) I cried again yesterday as I watched Ghost whisperer. I don't think crying this much is healthy!

  3. this sumbum is cool

  4. your a cool dude man it's awsome your awsome


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