A night in Bethlehem

Last night was our ward Christmas party! The theme was 'A night in Bethlehem.' I was the apprentice tailor for Sister M. My job was to record everything that people took. I also helped people get outfits put together. Sister M. made little 'treasure' bags for the people who returned the fabric at the end. Mona, and Crazy cat lady were there, they both were helping with the fruit stand. I called Cat lady 'Miss fruity' the whole time. She was greatly annoyed. I loved helping! I always feel left out when I don't have something to do. Mona came over to talk to me while everyone was watching the 'Nativity scene'. She also went over to the sweets shop to get both of us cookies. I was very surprised that she knew my favorite kind of cookie. (Which is oatmeal raisin) We said our fare wells and departed. I thought the party was the best! They did a really good job setting everything up. And that's all I have to say about the party!!


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