Yet another example of my dorkiness!!!

Almost every time I get into a car I hit my head on the door frame. The probability my hitting my head is 8 out of 10, yes I know that's really sad but it's completely true. On the way home from camp I had a splitting headache that only musicals could fix. You can probably guess why I had the headache but I'll tell you anyway. Okay I was distracted by a girl who was teasing me about the way I say buttons, which I pronounce buddins. It's not that different, is it? I was telling her that I wasn't weird for saying buttons the way I do, and then SMACK!!!!!! It was so forceful that I fell backwards into the actual door, and then the crown that I was wearing painfully pressed into my scalp. (I now have a bump on my head from it.)*sigh* I had to endure friends teasing almost the whole way home.......


  1. jk

    I hit my head a lot too, not on the door frame though-- on chandeliers. :)

  2. oh...and guess what....

    IM FIRST!!!

  3. Hey buddins are normal. :( No wonder I'm so dorky, it's probably because of all my head injuries. *bleh*

    Congrats on that, aren't you always?

  4. Hopefully your car door injuries have not caused any brain damaged! Then you wouldn't be able to blog anymore! :)

  5. Hey! You just made me smile!!! :) I hope so to Cameo, that would be really bad. :O

  6. OUCH! :(

    When I was in elementary school I couldn't pronounce "panties" right. I thought they were "pannies."


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