The Lawn-Guys Are Coming!!! The Lawn Guys Are Coming!!!! Help!

My fear of Lawn-Guys started last Summer, I will tell the story in third-person because I have to practice writing it.....

It all started when a young unsuspecting thirteen year old was outside practicing Kung-Fu. The poor girl had been trying to teach her younger sister (unsuccessfully) the form and she was sweaty, tired, and irritable. When her little sister left she practiced on her own. The while doing a jump kick a truckload of Lawn-Guys passed and they honked and yelled at her. The girl was mortified!

She decided to finish practicing because never in a million and one years did she think that they would come around again. This girl was completely foolish; because they did come back, and they were even louder the next time!

Completely ticked at these strangers she threw down her Bo-staff in frustration because she knew she couldn't do anything about their childish attitudes, and she stomped angrily into her house. As she glared out the window she mumbled to her embarrassed self,"*grumble* Stinking Lawn-Guys! I can't believe they did that!! I wear sweatpants even though it is 100 degrees outside so I won't show leg, and shirts that are two sizes too big for me so I won't be immodest! I'm not like some of the girls in my class that wear their slinky bathing suits to wash their dad's cars, so they can flirt with boys passing by!! *another grumble* And then she saw them again.......The Lawn-Guys!

They passed another three times after that looking hopeful, but much to their disappointment there was a boy in the girls' place, and he was doing cart-wheels and showing his whole flabby abdomen to them. She wished she could have seen their faces then, suckers!!!!

Now every time she sees Lawn-Guys she runs away, and hangs her head down so they won't notice her. It's working, because it has never happened again!

Until next time:

The End.....


  1. one time me and brynn were grandmas for halloween and we stuffed our bras and when we were walking home these crazy wipersnappers yelled and tooted their horns, good thing our hearing aids weren't turned up to loud

  2. Wow. That is scary. You should have used your bo-staff skillz on them.

  3. haha, they thought you were HOT!(:
    Don't be so suprised(:
    Were they young guys or old guys?

  4. That is SCARY! Ewww!

    Wanna know what else is scary? When guys like that honk and yell at old geezer ladies like me! Ewww! Ewww! EWWW!!!

  5. Cherstin: I read that post!!! It was so funny! I fell off my chair from laughing so hard!

    Cameo: Sadly they weren't close enough, and if they were I would run away from them as fast I could!

  6. Brynn: First off I'm not hott, I was hot as in sweaty and overheated. Second some were teenagers, and I only noticed that because they were driving really slow the third time!

  7. Hannah: I wouldn't call it terrifying, I would however call it weird, and gross.

  8. Nnacy Face: Really? Your not an old geezer! You are young at heart and that's what counts! (Don't let anybody tell you otherwise!)

    Cherstin: I agree, they were!

  9. Great blog. I own a lawn care company. I would beat one of my employees if I caught them doing that. Great way to tell the story.

    grace and peace,


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