Brilliant.......Just Brilliant....

This girl is very nice, but she dumbs herself down to impress the boys. (I'm not quite sure why) So this post is not against her, and I'm not trying to be mean.

Yesterday one of the rude boys in my class asked the girl mentioned above,"Hey, did you know that I have a pet ferret?"

"A ferret!” she exclaimed in a valley girl voice that I usually only hear in movies . "Isn't that like a half bird thing?"

All the rude boys laughed so hard that they fell of their rear ends.

"What?", cried the girl in a fake pitiful (valley girl) voice. "I know that ferrets are half bird, half rat animals!"

I was so shocked that somebody would actually say something like that! The shock was so great that I couldn't move from the doorway where I was attempting to make my escape from those people. (I use the term people lightly, they're more like savages.)

Her absolutely brilliant response to what the rude boys said next was,"*giggle* Well, like how was I supposed to know? Don't like hate me for it! *giggle*"

I think I vomited in my mouth a little when I heard that. Thankfully before I could hear anymore of this embarrassing episode; the shock wore off and I was finally able to run as fast I could to escape those people.........

*We learned about mammals in first grade where were you?*


  1. If it was half-bird and half-rat wouldn't they call it a brat? *snort*

    Like,why do girls do that? Why? Why? Why?

  2. Yeah, the particular person you speak of does that at school, too. But way more majorly annoying.

  3. I SOOO can't relate to that girl! :S

    In school I was all smart and a little bit nerdy...I really didn't like being nerdy, but I DID like being smart, even though the not-so-smart people made fun of me for getting straight A's.

    I bet you thought I was a dummy, huh? DIDN'T YOU?! Hahahaha! :D

  4. man I would nevver do that... It's just I can't relate. :?

  5. Well, see, it's like this anonymous....we're all born with the power of discernment. Me, you, everyone!

    Sunbum therefore used her stupefying power of discernment to realize that the girl she wrote about modifies her otherwise normal behavior to act like a complete and total doof around boys.

    And, this IS Sunbum's place to express what she sees/thinks/feels. She thinks it's a damn shame that some girls choose to pretend that their IQ evaporated away somewhere with their last peroxide treatment....and she wrote about it.

    She didn't confront the girl. She didn't smack her upside her vapid little head, she blogged about it in a place that isn't read by the people who were there save for one other individual.

    Now, judging fro the completely incoherent and nonsensical sentence you slapped together to comment, I would guess that you're guilty of being one of these clueless people too and it raised the hackles on your pathetic little brainless self.

    Awwww, that's so sad. :(

    Who are YOU to barge in here and not even leave a real name. I guess you're not proud enough to OWN your words, are you? I guess you're judging someone else for being judgental. Chew on that cud a awhile, anonyous cow!

  6. Oh, and a sure sign of low intelligence is when you have to use profanity to express yourself.

    You know it. I know it.

    Now go scrub that nastiness off your typing fingers with a strong bar of soap.

  7. hey, guess what? i was like Nancy Face in school!! what's that you say? i'm still IN school?! oh yeah... that bit. well, yes. i'm a nerd... but it's cool that way ;)

    i can't relate to her at all, either. in fact, i'd go so far as to say that i'm the opposite... around most guys, i play up the smart thing so that they leave me alone. it never fails! ;)

    ELASTICWAISTBANDLADY: you are my HERO. i am off to your blog now. you rock. The End.

  8. Anonymous: The same people that made me executioner.

  9. Now back to the people I enjoy reading....

    Stacy: *giggle* "Brat" I love that!!! I want a brat right now!

    Cameo: I bet.

    Sister Face: Nerds are awesome!!!

  10. Nadia: I wouldn't know either. If I like a boy I would make sure he thought I was smart, not absolutely ditsy!


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