Whoa! Look At All The Pretty Psychedelic Colors......

A few minutes ago after I finished working on the awfulness called Algebra. I felt like my head was going to implode from all the knowledge that I had just attained from studying, so I decided to rest my head on the inflated balloon that rested on the shelf right next to me. It felt really good......until I moved a little bit, and then BANG!!!!!

For about five minutes after my accident I was seeing psychedelic colors flying at me from all around the room, and seeing my sister in double!

After I recovered from that I realized that my balloon was not free, but that he was beimg held captive to the Evil Decorated Cement Block Party Balloon Weight Thingy! (I knew my balloon wasn't evil enough to lead me unto major head injuries!)

*Lesson learned from this: Do not use a balloon for a pillow, because it may be working (under captivity) for the Evil Decorated Cement Block Party Balloon Weight Thingy....That is all.*


  1. OUCH!!!

    Poor sad hurty head of Sunbum. :(

  2. should have known better sunbum like u said on my birthday your old but being old means you have to have wisdome!!!
    but still your head must have been aching. :/ <(*v*)>

  3. sorry for your achy head! once i didn't get enough sleep (long story) so i was sitting in maths and started hallucinating to a very strange degree. at one point i saw balloons floating around my teacher's head... you guessed it, they were pretty psychedelic balloons! :)

  4. Are you sure that your pain came from the cement thingy. I could just be from the Algebraic knowlege bestowed?


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