Please Don't Judge Me! I'm Only Like This On Days That The Internet Doesn't Work!!

The first time I had ever heard the term,"I work Graveyards" was at my friend Whitney's Blog. When I saw that I thought,"Whitney? Really? I never thought that she would ever work around dead people. That doesn't really sound like something she would do....." I proceeded to think about what exactly you would do if you worked Graveyards and these are the things I came up with: Security guard (to prevent grave robbers from um..robbing), grave digger, and grave robber (No, Whitney I didn't think you were any of these things. They were just ideas). Sadly before I could Wiki it the Internet stopped working. So then I figured that Whitney was a Security guard at the grave yard (that didn't seem likely, but it had a better possibility then the rest), and that was the end of it.

I didn't think about it again until I was with my mom and I heard someone else use that term on the radio. I finally decided to ask my mom what exactly "Working Graveyards" means. As it turns out it means working Midnight to whatever hour you get off........*disgruntled sigh*

*Yes, you may laugh at me now. :(*


  1. hee hee! that sounds like something i would do, too. trust me on this one. i come up with the dumbest things.

    your playlist is also amazing, wow! so many great songs :)

  2. lol, I totally had that experience like that a week ago, my friend was talking about her having to work the "graveyard shift" it scared me to death! (I was determined to never get that job...EVER)

  3. Trust me, I was already laughing, right after the first couple sentences! But I'm laughing WITH you! :D

  4. Hannah: Thanks, and just so you know most of the new songs cam from yours!!!

    Brynn: *snicker* Really? I think I might like working "Graveyards" as long as I can sleep all day!

  5. Cameo: Yay, we laugh together!

    Why, thank you Sister Face. *skipping away humming a show-tune*


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