Hmmm....Now That I Think About It That Was Pretty Mean!

Buster: Man, that kid is butt ugly!

Me: Buster, stop looking at yourself in the mirror!!!

Buster: *gasp* Oh, Sunbum that was really mean.....

Later after the rest of us had recovered from laughing a pouty Buster stated sullenly to me,"You know I was talking about the boy on the cover of that book on the counter......Wait a minute....You're Blogging this aren't you?!!!" I laughed lightheartedly and proceeded to open Blogger, so I could Blog about it......


  1. tee hee heeeee. was just a little mean, but don't worry I would have said it too. How could anyone possibly resist!?!?! >:)

  2. I would have said the same thing too!

    Poor Buster.

  3. I love making fun of my family just as much as they love making fun of ME! Tee hee! ;)

  4. hmmm... if i comment WHO will come? :)

    and that WAS pretty mean, Sunbum... *sniggers* HIGH FIVE!

  5. Cameo: I have no idea!! Obviously I didn't......I have got to work on my self-control.

    Stacy: That's okay, Buster says mean things to me too. We're even now. (Mine are funnier though)

  6. Sister Face: Yeah, me too!

    Hannah: Well you see I watched this movie and this voice said that line all throughout the movie. Now I can't get it out of my head!!!! It was his dad at the end, and it made me cry buckets. Man. Did I just admit that?


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