Ha! I Embarrassed Myself In Front Of Strangers And Now I'm Pretending That I Actually Enjoyed It!!!!!

I can't seem to hold in my craziness/weirdness anytime, but it seems like when I eat it gets worse. So the only thing I had working in my favor when my family went to Golden Corral Saturday was my table manners........

The Good Part: Uh....I didn't eat anything that made me feel sick, and I got perfectly cooked Brussels sprouts. (Ooh. Are you jealous? Yeah, I didn't think so.)

The Bad Part: I went up for dessert, and as usual I couldn't decide because everything looked good. After a couple minutes of careful consideration of each option I went with the banana pudding. (It was fresh, and I saw the lady make it. And it looked really good.) So I walked up and the moment I grabbed the spoon the Twinkies slogan popped into my head, and refused to stay inside. I thought that I was safe because I didn't see anyone around me so I opened my mouth and said," Where's the cream filling? Now that's the stuff...Hostess!" I did the voice and everything!!!! I didn't feel embarrassed until I turned around and realized that I wasn't alone. I looked up and gave the guy behind me a nervous smile before almost running back to the table.

*I don't even like Twinkies....*


  1. Haha, that's AWESOME! :D

    I love Twinkies...like BIG TIME love!

  2. lol! If I heard someone say that I would totally crack up!!!

  3. Ha ha :) If I heard someone say that I would giggle, and we would probably become friends. But we're already friends, so it just makes me like you even more :)

  4. haha that had to be embarassing. But really funny over all.


  5. Sister Face: Really? I think Ding-Dongs are the best!

    Cherstin: :P I want you to come with me everywhere I go so somebody will appreciate me....

    Whitney: Yay!!!!


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