Sweet Miss Sunbum's Blog Post!

I've been reading a really awesome ghost story. It has a very interesting plot! But there's a problem. Yesterday my Mom started the book, when the rest of us were at church. Now she's hooked, and I can't read the ending! Well I guess this is a great time to work on my patience. I like to finish things before others, so I know what happens first! So instead of reading I'm posting this. Isn't that exciting?!!
The book is called, Sweet Miss Honeywell's Revenge. Scary title right? *Ooooohhhhh* (I just took the book from Mom's room! Ha!)


  1. I just found out that my Mom finished the book last night, while I was asleep! *Aha*

  2. I think you needed to call my workplace: Ninja Co. we would've gotten your book back before you could say ,"I look forward to killing you soon."


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