Some of the things I like at the moment

Today I'm going to write about some of the things I like right now. I'm going to see how long it's going to take to change my mind about these things!

Movie: Stardust.
Music: Until June: What I've done.
Book: Seer and the Sword.
Radio station: Christian rock.
Food: Waffles.
Chocolate: Snickers.
Bread: Banana.
Book series: Twilight.
Place: Temple.
Car: Mustang.
Candy: Jelly beans.
Color: Purple.
Holiday: Valentines Day.
Possession: My new black "emo" belt, and nail polish.
Accessory: Bracelets.
Game: Mad-libs.
Activity idea: Modesty fashion show.
Hair: Curled.
Outfit: Jeans, tee-shirt, "emo" shoes, with awesome socks, and bracelets.
Show: Storm Hawks.
Cake: Chocolate lava.
Restaurant: Golden Corral.
Subject (in school): Math.
Room to clean: Half of my room.
Tree: Pear.
Flower: Petunia.
Sport: Baseball.
Pie: Pumpkin.
Nail polish color: Ghoulish green.
Totally not healthy for you: Cotton candy.
"Cat in the hat" book: One fish, two fish.
Book store: Barnes and Noble.
Teachers: Kevin, and the other guy whose name slips my mind at the moment.
Nerf gun: Whichever one Buster lets me borrow.
Well that's all I could think of. I think I've already changed my mind about some of them!


  1. That's cool. I never knew...well...any of that stuff. Hey, I updated my blog finally. Check it outtt~

  2. yay! i know way more
    about ya! =D


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