The stories behind my "emo" wear!

Belt: I bought the black "emo" belt a couple weekends ago. I was wearing my black outfit so I bought it. I love this one more than the old one. I mean come on, it's black! I finally found my old "emo" belt!

Shoes: These are my "emo" shoes!! We went to the park, and they got muddy! My poor shoes! In my eyes cleaning my shoes when they're dirty shows my affection. But my Mom says I'm gross.

Nail polish: I have been looking for black nail polish since Halloween. We couldn't find any, anywhere we went! My Mom said that an "emo" convention probably came through town. Well I did notice a ton of people in "emo" wear. When my Mom came home from the store she revealed the wonders of black nail polish ! I painted my nails quickly before church, and then I put orange dots to look like flames. Um.. It didn't turn out very well.

So that's the history behind my "emo" wear! Interesting stories right?


  1. "quit" enthralling. tee hee hee. Did I spell that right?

  2. One of my old teachers once said that black was the color of death and evil. She was the devil.

  3. Ah! My eyes! I can't believe your still making fun of that! I still think it's funny though!
    P.S. When in doubt use the wonders of Spellcheck! :)

    And that's a really mean thing to say about your teacher! Who was she?!

  4. She made fun of mentally challenged kids.

  5. Coolio! Hey, you should write your inspiration for your emo-ness. I've been wondering about that. Was it a person? A look? Tell me mooooooreee!

  6. What Sunbum didn't admit publicly is that when she "cleans" her shoes she actually licks her finger and runs it up and down the white stripe to get the muck off it.

    Yeah, she licks her shoes like a Mama Kitten would. Such a little nurturer, my Sunbum is!

  7. Arg! Why did you have to write that Mom?! Whatever!
    Cam: Whoa! She sounds really horrid! Thank goodness I don't go to school! :)
    Brynn: That might be the next thing I post!

  8. I don't think blue looks very good. It was made to cover blue nails. So I think that's kind of weird.

  9. I used to have a belt just like that, until I wore it so much it broke :(.
    I wear black nail polish all the time, I just barely found one that I really like, too! It's by OPI and it's called My Private Jet. It's a really dark grey with tiny sparkles in it and I love it! (just in case you want a new nail polish idea!)
    By the way, I'm a blogging friend of Lauren and I love your blog!

  10. I wore my original emo belt all the time. I even wore it after the loop broke! I love it that much! *sob*

    Thank you for the suggestion, but I think I'm going to stick with black this year!
    *Last year was orange, and green.*
    P.S I love your Blog too!


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