The story of Sunbum

This post is dedicated to Lesee! So here is the story behind the name Sunbum!

I went through a really "hippy" phase about two years ago. I wanted to be a real "hippy", so I needed a name! My Mom was Sister Strippy because she wears a lot of stripes! But I didn't have anything. I was really bummed. *gag* Anyway so I was going through my science book, and there it was! The perfect name for me! Well actually it was sebum! Of course I misread it as Sunbum. I excitedly made it Sister Sunbum. That was my nickname for a while, until I went all "emo". I hung up the name, thinking that I would never use it again. But the day I started my Blog I took it down again! Then my screen name became Sunbum (my secret identity).... Weird story right?


  1. aww thats a kel story i went thourgh sumtin like that. tell u another


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