I Hope You Enjoyed The Entertainment Ladies And Gentlemen I Mean: Intimidating Home Teacher Boy!!!!

Yesterday I went to my grandparents house to go and see their new dog. While we were there some of us started playing their Wii, and the rest of us watched a movie. While I was watching the movie my dad walked into the room and said,"Connor is here." I couldn't believe what I was hearing so I said,"What?!!....um....I mean so what? Who cares?" Then my aunt smiled and sweetly said,"Sunbum, will you go and get me a glass of water from the kitchen?" "Uh, sure." I answered. So I walked down the stairs and saw him. I gasped in horror when I found that in fact my dad wasn't lying to me, he truly was there sitting on the sofa where I had just rested my butt on, then I realized that his dad was Home Teaching!!! I pulled myself together and ran past the living room where they were sitting (he was facing my way so of course he saw), and into the kitchen. I fumbled while trying to pull a glass down as fast as possible, and accidentally made a semi-loud clinking noise. I saw him watching me as I finally got the glass, fill it with water, and then take off back to the stairs. Well in my haste to get away from his intense gaze I tripped on the fourth step up. *blush* Most of the water in the cup splashed onto the floor and wall, I fell on my already bruised leg, and all was silent when I stupidly said,"Ow." I just wanted to die, but I had to clean it up so that's just what I did. After I cleaned I picked my disgraced self up off the floor, and sorrowfully carried the water back to my aunts room. My dad laughed and laughed when I told him what had happened to me, and so then I had to laugh and tell him with my hands upon my hips,"You know what, I don't care what Connor thinks anyway....I mean I never talk to him so he can never bring it up, and I don't care about him so he can think whatever he wants!!! Because I don't care!!." *blush again* (I vowed right then and there that I will never talk to him.) Then after laughing at myself I got thirsty......*sigh* I pretended not to see him as he watched (yes, watched) me gulped down two cups of water, and then run as fast as I could up the stairs. *aggravated sigh*

*I should be mad at myself for being such a weeny, but I just want to be mad at him because if he wasn't watching then I wouldn't have been nervous and done all of those things. Okay, I might have tripped without him......*


  1. I went down the stairs with her and when she tripped i ran back up and laughed!
    My aunt said, "She likes that boy so much that she tripped while waching him?"

  2. First off: I was not watching him.

    Second: That comment came from the other aunt.

    Third: I tripped becuase I was so focused on escaping his gaze, and not spilling the water that I forgot to think about not tripping also.....

  3. right....
    i all ready told you my opinion today. and that all i have to {toot} say. ;)

  4. w.o.w i'm such a neard.......
    that holl to{toot} this i did is to neardy......

  5. Last night in kung fu she tripped over her own legs, while she was waching Kevin!
    Is it Connor or Kevin or both!

  6. Nadia: Yeah, yeah I remember what you said.....

    Monkey: >:( Let me put you straight!!!

    First: I tripped over my feet!!! (three time, okay)

    Second: I was not watching Kevin!!!

    Third: As I tell you everyday of my life: I don't like anybody!!!! I mean boy wise..... "Boy's are friends, not crushes for me. I can live without liking boys. The end!!!" Kay thanks bye.....

  7. i made a post just for u sunbum..... hehehe...

  8. ohh yah i meant to ask if you where talkin about 16 year old kevin, or the other one that i dont like.

    i hope you mean the older on and not the annoying little one....

  9. I like to talk to both Kevin's.....I talk more often with Little Kevin than Big Kevin, but whatever. I get nervous while talking to Big Kevin so I make a point of not doing it a lot....

  10. (She was talking about Big Kevin...>:()

  11. eeek! i am a master tripper on stairs. so much so that i kind-of have a phobia of them. which doesn't make it very easy at my school... which is practically made up of stairs.

  12. Oh, NOOO! He just HAD to be their home teacher! :0

  13. I can soOOo relate to the tripping thing! :S


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