When Somebody Thinks You're A Boy When You're Most Definitely A Girl Then It's Probably Time To Change Your Look!!!

Last Friday I went to volunteer at the elementary schools Valentine's Party. I had a good time, and the kids were really funny.....

1st Grade Class Party: The first grade classes were doing Valentine Card Scrapbooks for their project. (I liked that better then the "Caterpillar Of Love" thing the third graders did) I helped this one little boy who was uninterested in doing anything other than his Transformers Puzzle Valentine card he had gotten from a friend. As I was "helping" him glue things into his book he looked up and asked,"Why are you wearing nail polish? You're a boy!!!!" I just about fell over in surprise. I looked at the boy, laughed, and then told him,"Well, actually I'm a girl." "Really?" asked the boy. "Yes, really. I promise I am not lying to you!!!" I replied smiling and still laughing on the inside. I finished helping the boy, and then we moved on to the game. You wouldn't believe how many first graders love the word "Karma", and how many times they use it in a sentence when they're losing a game!!! (That was my team *sniff* I'm so proud of them, and their big vocabularies. I still think they're awesome even though they lost the game :))


  1. Kids are too funny!

    How nice of you to volunteer. I like the scrapbook idea,that is way cute!

  2. WHAT? You don't look ANYTHING like a boy to me! :0

  3. And what's this about first graders knowing the word "karma"? I just barely learned that word last year or something! ;)

  4. I would never mistake you for a dood. That kid must have been blind or maybe he was gay and thought you were so pretty that he was only hoping that you were a boy. Yes, that was it.

    P.S. You are not a boy.

    P.P.S. You do not look like a boy.


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