Seeding Fruits, Dancing To Music, Sewing With Pink Thread, And Other Fun Stuff That I Like Doing!!!!

Today I learned how to use pomegranates! You see my mom scored a sweet deal on them at our second home......Kroger! We stocked up on those suckas and brought them home with us! We didn't realize until later that not one of us had any idea of how to eat, cook, or even use a pomegranate. I was then assigned to look up recipes and use them up before the poms went bad. At first I was vigilant, but after two days of failure to find advice I gave up and forgot about them.

For some reason I decided today that I was going to: Sew the sofa cushions back together, fix the glorious mushroom chair and make it even more glorious, do something with the pomegranates, and Blog about it all before noon!!! So now I've almost done all those things!!! Okay, so back to the pomegranates.......The first thing I did was google "Pomegranate Recipes" and surprisingly I found exactly what I was looking for. (Alright I'm not going to go through all of the long grueling steps of peeling, pitting, and seeding the pomegranates.) On the website it said that most people don't have patience with separating the seeds from the bitter membrane pieces that protect the seeds.......

The best part about this is that I actually enjoyed the long process! I guess I do have a little bit of patience after all!!!! As I was seeding and dancing to my music I noticed that when I have music playing I can concentrate and enjoy things that are usually a chore for everybody else. I love music!!!


  1. Go you and your bad self!

    I have done nothing today but play on the computer. I have a lot of catching up to since I moved a few weeks ago.

    I like the smell of the promegranate..never tasted one though.

  2. First and second!

    And I meant,"a lot of catching up to do. Sheesh.

  3. i love pomegranate! its i really nice tasting fruit...

    and i didn't know you sowed!

  4. Did the pomegranates stain your hands? When I was a kid I got to eat pomegranates from my neighbor's tree, and they turned my hands (and the front of my shirt) brown. They were yummy! :)


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