Yeah, Well I Got Tired Of Your Name So I Changed It And Stuff.....

Yesterday I got my sword!!! I can't believe I've advanced to Sword Forms already!!! I'm super excited to start, but I'm a little scared of cutting myself while learning! (Just like Cutter-Dude)

One of the boys in Kung-Fu named his sword: Picklepimp after the sword that he fights with in his favorite video game. I love the name Picklepimp!! I want to name my sword Picklepimp. I don't think I can live without something named Picklepimp in my life. I think it's an extremely funny name, and I want to steal it from him.....

I still haven't found the perfect name for my bo-staff, and I've had it for months! I have a really hard time choosing names, I always want to go back and change it.....What do you think I should name my sword?

*I named the skeleton pen I got for Christmas "Killian", I really like that name and I haven't had the desire to change it yet! (That's a record or something!)*


  1. You should name it Sunbum Jr. (if a girl).
    But if its a boy Kevin or Conner, or maybe Kevin Conner!!

  2. monkey thats so mean!!
    any way i don't think i'm gunna name my sword i don't really name thing that aren't really alive... in any way i think you should name you sword Killo!!

  3. the only reason i say the name Killo is cuz if you ever got so good that you could make up your own move you could be like Killo attack which sound like kill attack

  4. Cameo: *giggle* Where did those names come from?

    Monkey: >:( Sunbum Jr. doesn't flow. Gosh. Kevin Connor, or Connor Kevin is the most un-awesome names ever put together! I'm sorry, but I have to diss all those names! Have a nice day...

  5. Nadia: I guess I'm weirder then I thought...I LOVE naming things, living or not.

  6. I'm such a klutz that if I ever picked up a sword, there would be blood spilled. Probably mine.

  7. It's a "broad" sword so it only has one blade. I haven't cut myself yet, but then again I've only had it for a week....


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