On Tuesday I saw the most interesting thing while I was weedin g the front yard. Needless to say I couldn't resist Blogging about it. As Caterpillar, and I sat pouting about being subjected to the dread chore of weeding, and making a game where we each took turns telling each other how much we despise weeds when our neighbors garage door started opening. After it so rudely interrupted our pity party, I turned around and saw pink Van's walking toward the opening door, I was going to be nice and say,"Hi, Mrs. K." but I stopped for a moment and waited until she came out and then I saw," Oh. Um...That's not Mrs. K, it's her son Nathaniel !" I have no idea why I stopped before I said it, but I'm very glad I did. And that it didn't become one of my many embarrassing moments. After that close call I sat in ants on accident. Yeah, Caterpillar and I had ants in our pants, and up our legs! Then we danced around the yard trying to get them out. ...
Your mom is BOMB for buying you that pink dye! :)