Dating Statistics

Boy oh boy do I love a spreadsheet! I have a spreadsheet for many things in my life so I decided to create one for my dating life. 

The data below includes information from the last 10 dates I've been on (which just so happens to be all the dates I've been on in my adult life). I have been slacking on my two date monthly minimum but I am working on making up for lost time. 

My new hobby may result in quarterly updates. I am excited to see the data change over time! 

In all seriousness, the real reason I made the spreadsheet is to do some reflection on myself and my approach to dating. I am tracking my behavior, the interactions post date, interesting things I learned about the person, and notes on my own approach to dating. This spreadsheet is a tool for improvement! As a perfectionist I have made it my mission to crack the code on dating and become the world’s best potential girlfriend (kidding). I also want to show my future partner the absolute dating shit show I have gone through to meet him. (Please future boyfriend if you're out there just show up already). 

Surprisingly Facebook Dating yielded 20% of the dates I went on. Of the 2 dates from FB Dating one guy was nice and normal, the other guy was limeade guy.

As much as I dislike hiking dates (I like to go with friends or by myself), 20% of my first dates were hikes. I also had Facetime dates with people in Ogden and NYC. I recently matched with a cute Canadian but I literally said, "If I am not willing to drive through Sardine Canyon for a date, I am definitely not going to fly to Canada for one". 
The education levels of my first dates varied with most concentrated in the "bachelors degree" category. The masters degree category is also well represented. 

I found that I may have a type. 70% of my first dates have been in some kind of engineering field. I can't say I am shocked by the results. I love smart, nerdy, socially awkward, and hard working men. 

Being ex-mormon religion is something that is important to me in dating. I would love to find someone who has a similar religious background and is currently not religious. It's helpful because mormonism is very cultural and there are a lot of difference compared to other religions. 
I have gone on dates with men from around the world. I hope Hottie Australian listens to my playlist and thinks of me. Unsurprisingly, Utah is the most represented geographic area. Random Makeout Guy, Limeade Guy, and The Dog Kicker are all Utah boys. 


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